As mentioned in the previous post, Saturday, April 27, 2019 marked the reorganization for the American Xingyiquan Baguazhang Institute. New posts were assigned to our indoor students, with a bright future ahead of us. Along with this reorganization, we also established a new “constitution” to define what our goals are as an organization. It is posted below for reference.


The Constitution of the American Xingyiquan Baguazhang Institute


美國形意八卦協會是由形意拳八卦掌傳承人胡耀武及其友人和徒弟們自發成立, 以在美國继承及弘揚形意拳, 八卦掌和太极拳等中華傳统武術文化為根本使命之民間组織.

Article 1

The American Xingyiquan Baguazhang Institute is established by Jackie Yao Wu Hu, a successor of the Xingyiquan Baguazhang tradition. He is joined by friends and disciples, as a civil society organization whose primary mission is to inherit and promote the Chinese traditional martial arts culture and values of Xingyiquan, Baguazhang and Taijiquan.



Article 2

Members of the institution shall follow the principles of martial arts, friendship and family, camaraderie in benefiting the community at large, while following the Institute’s teachings.



Article 3

Members must:

(1) 嚴格遵守形意拳八卦掌門規。

Adhere to the principles of Xingyiquan and Baguazhang.

(2) 認同本門拳藝及中華文化,不可忘恩負義及欺師滅祖,终生以發掦師門拳藝為已任.

Honor the Institute through the use of martial arts, be appreciative of and dedicate ourselves to our martial arts master, his lineage and Chinese culture from which this art comes.

(3) 認真刻苦練習,不懒、不貪、不满、不燥,虚心鑽研,達到能通、能懂、能練、能用,以繼承及弘揚形意拳、八卦掌為目標。

Practice diligently, study with an open mind and humble attitude, be patient, understand the theory for both form and application, be able to instruct others, avoid being greedy, lazy or ungrateful, so that the Institute may bring glory to the arts of Xingyiquan and Baguazhang.

(4) 遵法守纪,見義勇為,尊長敬上,謙虚谨慎,克己崇仁,不仗武欺人,崇尚武德。

Act courageously in the service of others, respect their elders, maintain high standards for yourselves with both martial arts practice and benefiting society, avoid using martial arts to take advantage of and hurt others, remain honest, modest and cautious while maintaining the virtues of our martial arts.